Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Neither one nor the other

Autumn in Maine
Tis a season betwixt and between - part summer, part autumn, with a dash of winter's chill thrown in for good measure. 

When I set out on my three-mile walk about 9:15 yesterday morning, dressed in jeans, a chamois shirt and a fleece vest, I kicked myself for not having grabbed a coat instead of the vest. It was cold out, especially on the riverside trail here in Augusta, Maine. Some walkers even sported gloves, another item I had left behind at the house.

By the time I finished my jaunt 45 minutes later, the sun shone, the temperature had jumped several degrees, and I was overheated in my lightweight getup. I almost felt sorry for those jacket-clad souls who probably were suffering doubts of their own as they asked themselves why they were dressed so warmly.

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