Saturday, May 28, 2011

If you don't like the weather . . .

Okay, so let me make this clear up front. I'm not complaining about the weather we're having here in central Maine. This isn't tornado alley. We aren't experiencing floods or tsunamis or earthquakes. My heart goes out to the folks in Joplin, Missouri, especially those who've lost loved ones, and the residents of other communities across the Midwest and the South that have been devastated by this year's weather extremes.

That being said, it would be nice if we could make a gradual transition from winter to summer here in Maine. Monday afternoon, it was so cold in Augusta that I wore a fleece vest under a barn coat when I walked the pups through the neighborhood. Yesterday afternoon, it was so hot in our south-facing bedroom - 83 degrees - that I had to turn on the air conditioner to assure a comfortable temperature by bedtime.

But the chickadees are having a field day splashing around in the bird bath out by the deck and the lilacs, including the relatively new bush out back, are in bloom. Their scent is so strong that the front sidewalk seems perfumed. So I have no real complaints, just a minor grumble or two that are far outweighed by a sense of gratitude.

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