Sunday, May 26, 2013

When your memory starts to falter, turn to Facebook

As much as I enjoy dumping on Facebook because it’s such a time-wasting sinkhole, it does have its uses, especially for those of us whose mental powers are on the wane.

If you check the "about" section of a friend's Facebook page, you'll likely find information about his or her hometown, education, employment, marital status, etc. This can be quite revealing, because some of our Facebook "friends" would better be described as acquaintances, or even strangers. (Who the hell is that guy, anyway? And why did I friend him?) So we may be surprised to learn, through Facebook, that ostensible buddy John Smith is married to . . . Jane Doe.

When I looked at my wife's Facebook page the other day, it listed where Liz is from, which college she attended, and where she's employed. Among the helpful tidbits I found there was this entry, next to a tiny heart: “Married to you.”

So that's why we're living under the same roof! Good to know.

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