Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Attention fellow earthlings: all is not lost

Cheer up, dear reader. I know it's tempting to conclude that our species is doomed, what with reality TV and the continued popularity of Rick Santorum and the prospect of Snooki bringing a mini Snooki into the world. Yet all is not lost. Granted, what I have to report is only one very small example of the civilizing forces that continue to struggle for the upper hand on our beleaguered planet, but it’s an encouraging sign nonetheless.

While I was out for a brisk walk on our riverside trail yesterday morning, a bicyclist came up to me from behind. Instead of angrily screaming “ON YOUR LEFT” at the top of his lungs like some latter-day rampaging Visigoth preparing to sack Rome, he rang his cycle's bell. Twice. This gentle but ear-catching sound put me on notice of his approach without making my heart skip a beat, or frightening the song out of the songbirds.

Perhaps such civility will become popular among trail-hogging two-wheelers. Perhaps Snooki will decide that one kid is enough. Perhaps Rick Santorum will find a time machine to take him back to the 17th century. Perhaps narcissism will lose its appeal as the centerpiece of TV programming.

Hope springs eternal.

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