Saturday, January 28, 2012

Proof that there is a higher power?

We got a few inches of snow here in central Maine early Friday morning - enough for the powers that be to close the schools. So I set out first thing to shovel the end of the driveway, where the city's plow trucks pile the stuff nice and high, creating an impressive wall of snow.

Once I start my own snow-removal operation during or after a storm, the road crews usually do not make another pass until I've cleared the driveway and made it back to the porch. But yesterday was even worse than usual. Just as I was removing the very last shovelful of snow, a city plow came barreling down the street and blocked up the driveway all over again.

Which only goes to prove that the atheists have it all wrong. There is a god, and she has a very cruel sense of humor.

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