Monday, October 26, 2015

Let the winter winds howl

There are plenty of signs that winter is just around the corner. Two of our three hens are molting. The storm windows are going up, bit by bit, and I've started moving the patio, deck and porch furniture into the garage. The pear tree in the backyard has dropped almost all of its fruit. And the maples and birch are blanketing the yard in a golden coverlet of leaves.

But to me, the best evidence that a change of seasons will soon be upon us is to be found in one of our garden beds. Having worked some compost into the soil a few days back, I dug 19 small holes in five rows this morning and put 19 garlic cloves to bed for the winter. Covering them with soil, I then smoothed everything over with a rake.

The garlic is in; there's no turning back now. Even if it snows tomorrow, I'll be ready.

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