Friday, September 23, 2011

A small but important win for the good guys

Anyone who follows the news, even occasionally, knows that the forces of darkness are at work on the world stage every day. War, brutality, violations of human rights, sickening crimes of violence - the evidence is there for all to see.

What we may lose sight of, though, is that the unending conflict between good and evil also plays itself out in countless small but meaningful ways, through actions and reactions that never make headlines. I was reminded of this the other day when I encountered a man walking a medium-sized, short-haired, brown dog of unknown pedigree who, it turns out, is named Diego.

"What kind of dog is he?" I asked the owner, a middle-aged man.

"We don't know. He's a rescue. My son found him chained to a dumpster, abandoned, in Florida. He called me up and said, 'Dad, I'm bringing a dog home.' He's very friendly, unless you're a groundhog."

A truly wicked person brought this sweet, innocent animal to a garbage container, attached him to it and then turned his back on him. But a compassionate young man saved this Heinz 57 pup with a curly tail, and led him into a world that is infinitely more decent than the one he knew in Florida. Chalk one up for the good guys.

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