Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Yet another missed photo

Nowadays, we have a better chance than ever before to catch that perfect photo on the run, thanks to the fact that virtually all cell phones are equipped with cameras. Of course, that assumes the would-be photographer in question (i.e., me) didn't forget his cell at home before heading out to run errands. When I came out of the credit union the other day, I found a monster pickup - a huge, black, hulking beast of a truck - parked next to my car, which looked like a Matchbox toy by comparison. Sitting behind the wheel of this behemoth, presumably waiting for his better half, was a poker-faced guy who appeared to be a cross between a linebacker and a professional wrestler (minus the goofy costume). And cradled tenderly in his arms was a small, white, very contented-looking Bichon Frise.

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