Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A straight boy in Augusta?

Dear Reader,

For the longest while, I thought I could maintain the charade. But ever so slowly, wisps of guilt began seeping into my consciousness, eventually blossoming into full-blown angst and self-loathing. 

The crisis finally came to a head when it was revealed that A Gay Girl in Damascus, ostensibly a lesbian blogger from Syria by the name of Amina Arraf, actually is Tom MacMaster, a 40-year-old married American living in Edinburgh, Scotland. The next day, it came to light that "lesbian" blogger Paula Brooks, purportedly the editor of the Lez Get Real web site, is some guy name Bill Graber. 

So, after a lot of soul searching, I’ve decided the time has come to fess up. During close to two years of blogging, I’ve perpetuated the illusion that I’m a married, 60-year-old man from Maine. During that time, I’ve described myself as an animal-loving, history-reading, retired newspaper reporter with liberal political leanings and an all-consuming dislike for Sarah Palin. 

But I can’t live with myself any longer. The lies must stop. The truth must be revealed.

My name is Maria Garcia Morales. I am 14 years old, and I live in Bogota, Colombia, with my parents, Juan and Isabel, and my four brothers and sisters. I write my blog posts in Spanish and e-mail them to my aunt in Texas, who translates and posts them for me. Because she’s older than me, she knows how to make what I write sound like it was cranked out by an old fart. My aunt, who has visited the part of your country known as New England, came up with the idea that I should claim to be from there. She said it would be a believable home for someone with wacky political views. 

I have no interest in politics or history. Aburrido! I never read the newspaper. And the only animal I like is my hamster, Nina. I haven’t been getting very good grades in school lately, and my parents say it’s because I’m spending too much time blogging and running the Colombian chapter of the Justin Bieber fan club. (Guapo!) I’ve been taking anti-depressants since Justin changed his hairstyle, so that may be part of the problem. 

So there it is! I hope you won’t hate me for misleading you on the blog, but I’m just a kid, after all. As for Sarah Palin, that part was no lie. Yes, I really do dislike her. A lot. Idiota!

Te amo,

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