Saturday, March 5, 2011

Ray Bradbury tells kids to be true to themselves

If you haven’t visited the Letters of Note blog in a while (and no, I don't have any connection to it), you really should make it a point to head over there on a daily basis. As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, Letters of Note consists of letters from all sorts of people writing about every conceivable subject. Some are more fascinating than others, but here’s a real gem from author Ray Bradbury, who responded in 1991 to a teacher’s question about how overcoming an obstacle had helped Bradbury. 

ray bradbury enterprises
(address redacted)
los angeles, california 90064

dear william stanhope:

most important decision i ever made came at age 9...i was collecting BUCK ROGERS comic strips, 1929, when my 5th grade classmates made fun of me. I tore up the strips. A week later, broke into tears. Why was I crying? I wondered. Who die? Me, was the answer. I have torn up the future. What to do about it? Start collecting BUCK ROGERS again. Fall in love with the Future! I did just that. And after that never listened to one damnfool idiot classmate who doubted me! What did I learn? To be myself and never let others, prejudiced, interfer with my life. Kids, do the same. Be your own self. Love what YOU love.

Best wishes,

(Signed, 'RAY B.')


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