Saturday, March 26, 2011

Theodore: a cat with identity issues

The breed profile for Maine coon cats at says these guys “take it all in stride." Maine coons are described as affectionate and social creatures that “accept people and activities with easygoing grace.” All of which is true in the case of our coon Theodore (aka Teddy), a gregarious fellow who greets me when I emerge from the bedroom each morning by rolling on his back in the hallway, so he can get his tummy rubbed first thing.

But nothing that I’ve read about these so-called “gentle giants” of the cat world says coon cats may convince themselves that they are . . . dogs. Maybe someone should hire Teddy to rewrite the profile.

Although all four of our cats either get along with, or at least tolerate, our two dogs, Teddy is the only one of the four who actively seeks out the company of Aquinnah, our chocolate lab, and Martha, our pit bull/lab mix. Teddy rubs up against the pups, touches noses with them and even tries to join in their roughhousing.

So what happened the other morning came as no surprise. As I do every day before heading out for my daily walk, I called Aquinnah and Martha into the kitchen, to give them dog biscuits. Martha immediately ran in from her perch in the living room. Aquinnah, who sleeps more soundly, had to be summoned a second time before he sauntered in, groggy but determined not to miss out on a snack.

As I pulled two biscuits from the box and told the pups to sit, in raced Teddy with a “you forgot about me” look in his eye. I tried to explain to him that he’s not a dog, but he turned a deaf ear. Only when he got a few kernels of dry (cat) food was he content.

At least he hasn't started barking . . . yet.

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